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Choose Strafford County
Why do businesses and workers choose Strafford County?
As one of the fastest growing and youngest (by median age) counties in New Hampshire, Strafford County is an incredible place to live and do business. Why?
Stable local tax rates, no personal state income taxes, no sales taxes
Availability of quality housing in both rural and urban neighborhoods
Strong public educational systems throughout the county
Tax law that supports local business - Strafford is home to over 10,000 businesses!
Educated and youthful workforce; median age of 36.9 years
Community centered region
Proximity to major markets - Boston, Portland, Quebec, & Montreal
Accessible public and private transportation including Amtrak and C&J Bus lines
Incentives for businesses: New market tax credits, Revitalization Zone tax credits, research and development tax credits
5 Opportunity Zones
Affordable acquisition and occupancy costs of commercial spaces for all industries & professions
Quality of life superior to that of many US states, driving consumerism & a healthy workforce
Proximity to affordable training resources
Many and diverse education offerings at the University of New Hampshire, Great Bay Community College, UNH School of Law, Franklin Pierce University, and Southern New Hampshire University, driving an educated workforce
Various recreational and cultural opportunities from visits to the Rochester Opera House to a walk at Stonehouse Pond in Barrington
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Lease, buy and develop property in the county
Developing employer assisted housing
Click here for a guide for NH businesses in developing housing from a brochure created by NH Housing.